Women entrepreneur in San Francisco, looking up to the sky

From Tech to Fashion: My Journey as a Serial Entrepreneur


My journey has been anything but linear. With a degree in computer science and a career that began in the fast-paced world of software engineering, I worked across Italy, Madrid, and San Francisco in two major corporations. Yet, while my path seemed firmly rooted in technology, there was always a deeper passion pulling me towards something else: fashion.


I founded three tech startups over the years, focusing on classifieds, recipes, and groceries. Two of these ventures were successful enough to sell, marking high points in my tech career. Yet, like many entrepreneurs, I faced the challenges of balancing intense work schedules with life’s personal demands. I had two children while building my companies with my husband, and eventually, the stress caught up with me. I experienced burnout, which forced me to pause and reassess my life’s direction.


That’s when I made the decision to pivot. My heart had always been in fashion, and I dreamed of creating something that merged my three homes: Italy, Brazil, and the USA. That was when ZIPPERLY was born.


The Shift: From Silicon Valley to Italian Craftsmanship


Transitioning from the fast-moving tech world of Silicon Valley to the meticulous world of fashion has been one of the most rewarding, yet challenging, experiences of my life. The shift wasn’t just about changing industries but also about reconnecting with my roots. Italy is where I source the finest leather for ZIPPERLY's luxury handbags, handcrafted by artisans I’ve come to know personally. Their attention to detail and commitment to quality resonated with the values I wanted for my brand.


Brazil, on the other hand, is where I channel creativity and vibrancy. Our jewelry collection is made by local Brazilian artists, drawing on the rich cultural heritage of my homeland. And in the USA, I bring it all together, using the business strategies and tech expertise I gained over the years to drive ZIPPERLY forward.


New Challenges and Fresh Opportunities


The biggest challenge in moving from tech to fashion has been adjusting to the slower pace of craftsmanship. In tech, we’re used to fast iterations and quick launches, but luxury fashion is about taking time, perfecting every detail, and creating something timeless. While in tech, success is measured in scalability and user growth, in fashion, it’s about the tangible quality of each piece. Building relationships with artisans and ensuring each product meets my standards for craftsmanship has been a learning curve.


However, my background in tech has been a powerful asset in fashion. I’m applying data-driven decision-making to the business side of ZIPPERLY, from customer insights to, marketing, to optimizing supply chains. My experiences have given me a solid foundation to merge creativity with business acumen.


The Multicultural Influence


At the heart of Zipperly is a celebration of multicultural identity. My upbringing as the daughter of an immigrant father in South America, the Italian culture that shaped me, and the American entrepreneurial spirit I’ve embraced all converge in this brand. Christian Louboutin’s quote, “When we come from different cultures, we are not divided, we are multiplied,” truly speaks to my journey. ZIPPERLY is a blend of influences, just like me—bold, colorful, and unique.


Each handbag and jewelry piece tells a story of cultural diversity, from the Italian craftsmanship to the Brazilian artistry. My goal with ZIPPERLY is to create products that not only stand the test of time but also resonate with women from diverse backgrounds, who are proud of their roots and their unique stories.


Looking Ahead: Bridging Worlds


As I continue to build ZIPPERLY, I’m excited to explore how I can incorporate even more of the world into our designs. I see fashion as a powerful tool to connect cultures and to create something beautiful from that connection. My dream is that ZIPPERLY's bags and jewelry become not just luxury items but symbols of pride, identity, and craftsmanship that span continents.


The journey from tech to fashion has been one of embracing my true passions and finding a way to bridge my past with my future. It’s an exciting road, and I look forward to seeing where it leads next.

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