From Algorithms to Artisanship. My Journey.

From Algorithms to Artisanship. My Journey.


After over a decade of building and scaling tech companies, I found myself at a crossroads. My journey as a co-founder and iOS developer for three tech companies—Mufumbo Labs, Allthecooks, and Anycart—was a whirlwind of innovation, growth, and acquisition. At Mufumbo Labs, we developed iOS and Android apps that reached 30 million downloads and an impressive 4 million daily active users. With Allthecooks, a social network for sharing recipes, we saw 25 million downloads, ranked among the top three apps on iOS, and were later acquired by COOKPAD, the world’s largest recipe site. Anycart, a grocery delivery platform working with Safeway, Whole Foods, Kroger and others, was acquired by Weee Inc.


Despite this success, I felt drawn toward a different passion—one that combined my love for fashion, my multicultural heritage, and the desire to create something personal. That’s how ZIPPERLY was born, a luxury fashion brand connecting Italy, Brazil, and the USA through handbags and jewelry.


The Shift in Mindset: From Algorithms to Artisanship


Moving from tech to fashion required a significant shift in mindset. In tech, my world revolved around metrics, scalability, and optimization. I was used to analyzing user behavior and fine-tuning products to reach millions of users. products changes used to be done in less than an hour. Fashion, however, is more about cultural expression, storytelling, craftsmanship with a much longer timeline.


With ZIPPERLY, the challenge wasn’t just creating functional products at scale—it was about crafting something timeless and meaningful. Fashion has a pulse of its own, driven by aesthetics and emotion, and I had to move from algorithm-driven thinking to focusing on the intricate details of design and craftsmanship.


Challenges of Entering the Fashion Industry


The transition to fashion came with its own set of challenges. While scaling tech products for millions of users was second nature, scaling a luxury fashion brand meant understanding different nuances. Building ZIPPERLY required not only a strong digital presence but also deep connections with artisans in Italy and an understanding of craftsmanship—things I hadn’t encountered in tech.


Another challenge was supply chain management. In the tech world, you work with virtual goods that can be optimized on the fly. In fashion, however, working with physical products means dealing with materials, quality control, and production timelines. Every detail, from the feel of the leather to the functionality of the hardware, needed my attention. Additionally, fashion follows seasonal trends, making timing far more critical than in tech, where iterative updates are common.


Opportunities in the Digital and Retail Space


Even with its challenges, the digital space opened new doors in the fashion world. My tech background gave me a unique advantage in building ZIPPERLY’s online presence. The rise of direct-to-consumer models, digital marketplaces like Amazon, and influencer marketing provide endless opportunities for brands like ZIPPERLY to grow without relying solely on brick-and-mortar stores.


In building Mufumbo Labs with 4 million daily active users, I learned how to scale digital platforms and engage with a wide audience. I’ve applied these lessons to ZIPPERLY’s online strategy, optimizing the website experience, developing engaging content, and utilizing data to enhance the customer journey. While luxury fashion traditionally thrives in retail stores, my focus has been on building a direct line to customers via e-commerce and social media.


My experience with Anycart, where we collaborated with grocery giants, also shaped how I approach partnerships. ZIPPERLY is still young, but I’m exploring collaborations with key players in the fashion world and looking at strategic retail partnerships to enhance growth.


Conclusion: From Tech to Timeless Style


Leaving the tech world to launch ZIPPERLY has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I’ve moved from building products based on user data to creating something that customers can wear—pieces that tell stories and reflect the rich heritage of the cultures that inspire me. My tech journey equipped me with the skills to navigate digital strategy, build scalable systems, and identify opportunities in the retail space. Now, I’m using these same tools to grow ZIPPERLY into a brand that connects cultures and embraces craftsmanship.


This journey has been about more than just changing industries—it’s about applying lessons from the tech world to a creative and culturally meaningful pursuit. Fashion, much like tech, is constantly evolving, and I’m excited to be part of this transformation, embracing both my tech past and my fashion future.

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